DIY Disposal Cleaner

I don’t like pouring harsh chemicals down the drain, especially since we are on a septic tank. So to clean my disposal, I opt for a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. The best part is that it has a fresh smell without being overwhelming. I have been using this mixture once a week for 8 years and I still swear by it. Here’s what you need:


1/2 (liquid) cup lemon juice
1/2 (dry) cup baking soda


Heat lemon juice in microwave for 30 seconds. Add baking soda slowly (it will bubble) and mix well.

Turn on the disposal and pour down the drain.

Turn on hot water for a few seconds to rinse away any mix remaining in the sink or the bowl.

Use weekly. If disposal still has a bad odor, repeat.

Simple, right? What other ways do you like to freshen up your disposal?

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