About Me

Katie Drane profile picture

Hi! I’m Katie Drane! Welcome!

I am a mom of 4 living in Mayfield, KY with my husband Ryan, daughters Sophie and Emmie, and sons Luke and Jack. I’m a Louisville native (Go Cards!) but I have to admit, I love small town living. Not to mention it’s just a short drive to my alma mater, Murray State University and Kentucky Lake too.

Here’s what I share the most:


  • I also share stories about raising 2 boys with autism. Both Jack and Luke have grown by leaps and bounds and are thriving at school thanks to early intervention, great teachers, and adjustments that Ryan and I have made at home. Jack is 7, very social, and loves school. Luke is 5 and non-verbal. He’s also very clever, has a wicked sense of humor and loves being on the trampoline. To say that our lives have been turned upside down because of autism is an understatement. It’s something no parent is prepared to deal with. But because of the boys, I’ve become a fierce advocate for early intervention, good old-fashioned play, and I care deeply about helping other parents who suspect their child is also on the spectrum.


  • Raising humble, grounded kids in a world full of excess is one of the greatest parenting challenges I’ve ever faced. But we’re doing it. We give, we serve, and we take care of what we have been blessed with. We are grateful. And we demonstrate to them that every success does not require an upgrade.


Some wonderful places that have featured my projects.



I’m so glad you’re here! Media inquiries? Just want to reach out? Feel free to email me at katiedraneblog (at) gmail (dot) com. Or you can always reach me on Facebook and Instagram!