
Trying to figure out what to do when you suspect your child may be autistic or after your child has just been diagnosed with autism can be overwhelming. With so much information available, it’s hard to know what to do, how to do it, and whether or not it’s the “right” thing,

The truth is, intuition is probably what caused you to start searching for answers in the first place. As you gather information and get advice, I encourage you to pay attention to those gut feelings every step of the way. Even as you read the blog posts I have included on this page.

These posts are my experience with our two boys, Jack and Luke, what has worked, and what I wish someone had told me when I was desperately looking for answers. As you learn how to help your child, I hope that you too will pass on what you have learned along the way so that it may bless the next parent.


Blog Posts

How to Interact With a Non-Verbal Child

For the Mom Who Suspects Autism (Part 1)

For the Mom Who Suspects Autism (Part 2)

For the Mom Who Suspects Autism (Part 3)


Helpful Resources

Autism Speaks

Be Like Buddy–Social Skills Videos for Autistic Children and Toddlers

Branch and Blossom Atelier

Fun and Functional 

M-Chat-R (Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised)

Mommy Speech Therapy

Mrs. Speechie P

Murray State University Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Sensory Toolbox