Perfect Boxed Cornbread


Cornbread from scratch is pretty amazing and when I have the time, I love to make it that way. Typically though, I’m in a hurry and need something a little easier. So I grab a box of Jiffy Corn Muffin mix and bake it right up. Easy breezy.

There’s one problem–the Jiffy mix always tasted dry to me. And if I overcooked it, I had to dip it in a lot of gravy or mashed potatoes to make it taste right. So I played with the recipe, and found the perfect way to make perfectly moist cornbread from the box.

Here is Jiffy’s recipe, right off the back of the box:


Easy enough! But I took it a step further and added a couple of extra ingredients:

1 extra egg

1/2 c. sour cream


I followed the rest of the instructions on the box and ended up baking the best cornbread I had ever made from a box. It was fluffy and moist and didn’t dry my mouth out!



For more easy recipes, take a look at the Cooking page! 




This is a FHT fan favorite recipe.

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